Just about any coloring material or tool can potentially be useful on a restoration job. However, some manufacturers have targeted this growing niche with specially marketed materials. Here are a few of those products, with some descriptions from their suppliers.
CSI ReStore Concrete Stain from ChemSystems Inc.: A polymer-modified, water-based that penetrates the concrete surface and forms an opaque, breathable finish, with no sealer required. ReStore Translucent Stain is used over solid-color stain in a contrasting color to produce an antiquing effect. The products can be used to rejuvenate colored or uncolored concrete surfaces by addressing discoloration while not altering surface texture.
EZ-Tique Water-Based Antiquing Wash from Proline Concrete Tools Inc.: A water-based acrylic coloring agent applied as a wash coat to add an antique color to a newly textured surface. According to its marketing materials, the wash “can be used to revitalize a weathered concrete surface or add an antique color to a freshly textured surface.”
Scofield Revive Color Refresher from L. M. Scofield Co.: A penetrating, solvent-borne, siloxane-based colored water repellent for improving the color uniformity and intensity of porous exterior colored concrete surfaces and pavers. It can also add a measure of color to uncolored concrete.
Solid Color Stain from NewLook International: The polymer-modified formula is designed to penetrate the surface of porous concrete and produce an opaque but breathable finish that does not require a sealer. Its marketing materials state that it is “used to restore previously colored surfaces or to rejuvenate old, tired-looking concrete by completely covering discolorations or stains.” Other NewLook products, such as Translucent Color Enhancer and TiqueWash, are also linked with restoration work.