UltraCure NCF and EZCover, two new slab-blanketing products from McTech Group Inc., are designed to get cozy with curing concrete.
UltraCure, a wet cure blanket, is a proprietary Natural Cellulose Fiber (NCF) material that incorporates the absorption technology used in hygienic applications to wick and hold moisture for long periods of time on concrete surfaces. It is disposable, lightweight, requires less material overlap than most other curing methods and can hold moisture for up to seven days.
UltraCure was designed for use on SOG, RCC, and pervious concrete applications. The clear backing helps the user easily determine the moisture content present in the blanket.
EZCover Protective Covering is a natural-colored cellulose product designed to help protect new concrete slabs, gray and colored, during the construction process. The material protects concrete as well as marble, hardwood, and terrazzo flooring without condensation or floor discoloration. As a high-friction coefficient holds the blanket in place, its soft bottom layer helps prevent surface scratches and allows new slabs to continue to breathe and harden, while the harder top layer shields against contaminants. The product is available in rolls of 8 foot by 4 foot sheets.
To learn more about UltraCure and EZCover, visit www.ultracure.net or circle #73 on the Reader Service Card.