Customer Support


Due to the current state of the world, Concrete Decor magazine has suspended production.

In the meantime, our goal is to continue bringing you quality content on We look forward to getting the magazine in front of our loyal readers again soon.

Thank you for understanding.

Subscription Information

How do I subscribe to Concrete Decor Magazine? Click Here to subscribe.

What do I get for my $22.95 subscription to Concrete Decor? You get 8 issues of Concrete Decor magazine. In every issue you get product news, new tools, business strategies, industry news and more.

Why do I have to fill out the questions just to get a subscription? We need to know how to best serve the needs of our readers, and the best way to do that is gather a few pieces of vital information about you. This data helps us develop editorial content that is relevant and meaningful. It also helps us recognize trends and shifts in reader demographics, which also help us understand the decorative concrete industry — and your needs — that much better.


How long does it take to receive my first issue of Concrete Decor Magazine? It takes 8 to 12 weeks for you to receive your first issue of Concrete Decor Magazine or for your change of address to take effect.

Late or Missed Issues

What if my issue arrives late? If your magazine has not arrived by the first of the month it was scheduled, please call us at 877-935-8906. For example, if you have not received the February issue of the magazine, please call us on March 1.

What if I have missed an issue? If you’ve missed an issue, we may have an incorrect address on file. Please e-mail us at [email protected] for your missing issues. You may also have missed an issue because your renewal did not come in on time. If you are unable to determine the cause of a missing issue, please call us at 877-935-8906.

Subscription Costs

How much do I pay for a one-year subscription to Concrete Decor Magazine?The annual rate for Concrete Decor Magazine is $22.95 in the United States; $32.95 in Canada and $64.00 Foreign (outside the United States and Canada). A digital magazine subscription (for all subscribers, US, Canada and foreign) is $14.95. All subscriptions to Concrete Decor are paid by US funds only.

How much do I pay for a two-year subscription to Concrete Decor Magazine? The two-year rate for Concrete Decor Magazine is $39.95 in the United States; $54.95 in Canada and $99.00 Foreign (outside the United States and Canada).

If I subscribe to Concrete Decor magazine, do I save money? If you subscribe for one year, you SAVE almost 40% off the cover price.

What is the cover price? The cover price on most issues $6.95 per issue if mailed in the US. Two issues a year (Buyer’s Guide and Training Guide) are $10.00 in the US. That is $61.70 a year. It is more cost-effective to pay the $22.95 for one year, $39.95 for two, than to purchase all these issues individually. Price points are slightly higher for individual issues ordered outside the US. ***Subscription rates can vary based on special show offers or other offers.

Paying your Subscription

What methods can I use to pay my bill? Concrete Decor Magazine accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express.

Is it safe to pay online with a credit card? Yes, it is safe to pay online with a credit card. Our online transaction encrypts your credit card number and will not be saved for future use.

Invoices/New Subscription

Why do I continue to receive bills after I have paid for my subscription?
Often your payment and our invoice cross in the mail. If you’ve paid the invoice, disregard the extra notices, and please accept our apology.


How can I renew my subscription?
Please call us at 877-935-8906 to renew your subscription.

How can I tell if it is time to renew?
You can look at the label on your Concrete Decor Magazine, or you can call us at 877-935-8906 to learn how to tell when your subscription expires.

1103 = Volume Number (11) Issue Number (03)

My subscription doesn’t expire for three months; why am I already getting renewal notices? Two reasons: we want to ensure there’s no interruption in your service, so we mail you an early reminder. Secondly, if we know early that you will be extending your subscription, we don’t have to send out multiple renewal notices, which saves us money and allows us to keep our subscription rates as low as possible.

Change of Address

I’ve recently moved. How do I change my address? Please call us at 877-935-8906 to change your address.

Name Change

How do I go about changing my name on my subscription if I recently got married or divorced? Please call us at 877-935-8906 to change your address.

Damaged Issues

What if my issue is damaged? If you receive a damaged issue, please email us at [email protected].

What if my issue frequently arrives damaged? If your issue frequently arrives damaged, please call us at 877-935-8906. Please keep in mind, your mailbox may be too small for the magazine. If this is the case, please try to arrange with your letter carrier to place the magazine in a different area. If your mailbox is properly sized, please contact your post office to verify that the magazine arrives in good condition.

Cancellation of Subscription

If I cancel my subscription to Concrete Decor, will I get my money back? If you wish to cancel your subscription to Concrete Decor Magazine, we will refund you for all unmailed issues, contact us at 877-935-8906.

Why am I being billed if I cancelled my subscription to Concrete Decor? It takes a few days for the cancellation to become effective. If you receive any invoices after you cancel your subscription, please disregard them.

Permission and Reprints

May I reprint an article from Concrete Decor? Material in Concrete Decor is copyrighted and cannot be reprinted without permission. Article reprints can be purchased, however. Contact Sheri Mikkelsen by calling 877-935-8906 for information on our reprint services (there is a minimum order of 100 reprints.)

Back Issues

How can I get back issue of Concrete Decor? You can purchase any issue from the last 8 volumes (that we have in stock) by going online to and clicking on the back issue button. If you do not see the available there, please call us at 877-935-8906 for information about our digital back issues.

Request for/against Mailing List

May I request that my name not be made available to other companies? We, at Concrete Decor magazine, do not sell, rent or give away any of the names in our database unless specified in a reader service response card or email. The information is kept strictly confidential.

General Information

Where is my account number? Your account number is listed on your mailing label above your name. The number varies from 4 to 6 numbers, and it is preceded by the letters CD.

Is Concrete Decor Magazine available in large print? We regret to inform you that Concrete Decor Magazine is not available in a large-print edition.

Website Errors

What to do if you receive an error on If you find an error of any kind or bad link, please email our webmaster at [email protected] so we can correct it. Thank You for your help.

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    • Note: Some questions will be published anonymously with their answers at the end of this story to share with other readers.