Shoe-In Pro Finish shoes are designed to help decorative concrete jobs go faster and more efficiently. The first shoe in the product line, the Shoe-In Pro Finish, is a strapless shoe that you can slip your existing shoe into with ease. It helps keep heel marks and tread patterns out […]
Author: Concrete Decor Staff
Kit converts hand-held concrete polisher into edger
Kut-R ite Manufacturing Inc.?has introduced the EDGEKutter Hand Grinder/Polisher Dolly Kit. The kit turns a handheld grind- polish machine into an effective tool for finishing quality edges on a polish job. The kit includes one dolly, one dust shroud and a 12-segment cup wheel. It contains all the tools you […]
HTC’s latest series of products for floor prep
The HTC GL Superprep series contains a mix of crushed PCD (polycrystalline diamonds) and diamonds to offer a high cut rate. This series is perfect for applications such as floor preparation and the removal of coatings, glue or any other floor topping. The series consists of four tools: The EZ […]
A Strategy for Marketing Decorative Concrete
Cory Hanneman has put a lot of thought into developing a sales strategy for decorative concrete that involves, in his words, “raging against the big-box machine” and its road map of “massive selection and predictability.”
New resurfacing and vertical overlays from Kingdom
Kingdom Products has released a series of overlayment and resurfacing products for the professional contractor. The first is Kingdom’s Vertical Wall Mix, which is engineered to be both lightweight and exceptionally strong. Its formula offers strong adhesion and workability. It can be built up to 3 inches thick in one […]
Company touts limestone-based overlay, stone veneer
BrazoStone was founded in 2012 as a manufacturer of high- quality crushed limestone-based products and has more recently introduced itself to the greater decorative concrete industry. The new company has the advantage of coming to market with a long-term proven performer in its lineup: Surface Overlay, a unique overlay system […]
H&C adds microtopping to product line
H&C Concrete has added a microtopping to its line of decorative concrete products. H&C Micro-Topping is an extremely thin cementitious topping ideal for interior applications. It is designed for horizontal surfaces and can be used in conjunction with H&C Decorative Stains and Sealers to create a smooth architectural finish. H&C […]
Floor-work helper Racatac now boasts more comfortable seat
Racatac Products Inc. has improved its Racatac models with a new larger comfort seat. This follows the recent addition of new EVA kneepads, which are waterproof, flexible and very durable. Two Racatac models are available with a chest support that is fully adjustable and has been designed to connect and […]
Influential concrete writer-editor Mary “M.K.” Hurd passes away
Mary Hurd, one of the most influential writers and editors to specialize in concrete, passed away in September at age 87. Hurd is best known for writing every edition of the American Concrete Institute’s “Formwork for Concrete, SP-4,” considered the definitive book about structural concrete practices. The first edition was […]
New resurfacing and vertical overlays from Kingdom Products
Kingdom Products has released a series of overlayment and resurfacing products for the professional contractor. The first is Kingdom’s Vertical Wall Mix, which is engineered to be both lightweight and exceptionally strong. Its formula offers strong adhesion and workability. It can be built up to 3 inches thick in one […]