Author: Concrete Decor Staff

UVolve UV-cured coatings now NSF-registered

UVolve Instant Floor Coatings are now registered with NSF International in the Non-Food Compounds R2 Category. The coatings provide proven robust protection within the food and beverage industries, including in processing, handling, packaging and storage facilities. UVolve coatings ensure a fast, cost-saving return to service because, unlike conventional coatings, they […]

Study: Two-component waterborne polyurethane sealers work well

A Bayer MaterialScience LLC scientist studied the use of two-component, ultra-low-VOC waterborne polyurethane sealers with decorative concrete options to achieve durability and aesthetic targets. Due to the increased demand for higher-durability concrete sealers, this waterborne polyurethane technology is considered to be a replacement for the acrylic stain-guard products currently being […]

Deaerator for polyurea polyaspartics

Pflaumer Brothers Inc. has announced new Tallicin 4040 Deaerator, especially for polyurea polyaspartic coatings used on concrete, metal, wood and other substrates. The new deaerator is extremely effective as a bubble-release additive in polyaspartic coatings with up to 8 mil film thickness, helping to eliminate pin holes, craters, and orange […]

New Custom Chip Color Selector online feature from Dur-A-Flex

Now there’s a simple, accurate way to customize colors for your floor. Dur-A-Flex has introduced an online tool called the Custom Chip Color Selector, taking the guesswork out of color design and putting the creative mixing in your hands, literally. Dur-A-Flex’s website invites visitors to begin their custom floor design […]

ExakTime offers new smartphone and tablet features

ExakTime’s new PocketClock/GPS software for smartphones and tablets now offers biometrics, equipment tracking and French- language capability. ExakTime’s FaceFront Biometrics photo verification feature was designed for contractors and other remote crews. Using a smartphone or tablet’s front-facing camera lens, FaceFront Biometrics snaps a photo of employees when they clock in […]