Author: Concrete Decor Staff

Decorative Concrete Tips: When To Drain a Pool for Pool Deck Repairs

Trouble can arise when working beside a filled pool, in all sorts of ways. BBs from a shot blaster, for instance, can get into the water and leave rust stains. To protect pools, some contractors fashion floating drop cloths. Bubble Wrap taped to the tiles can do the trick. Other contractors prefer working on emptied swimming pools.


CSDA has adopted the International Association of Concrete Drillers & Sawers (IACDS) Tolerance Standard that was developed through the cooperation of sawing and drilling associations from Austria, Germany, Italy, Japan, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States. The IACDS Tolerance Standard consists of nine sections that cover reasons […]

ACI News: Guide to formwork available

ACI has published the “ACI 347R-03 Guide to Formwork for Concrete.” Highlights of this publication include a section on contract documents that explains what specification guidance the engineer/architect should provide for the contractor, and another section that advises the formwork engineer/contractor on the best ways to meet the specification requirements […]


Anthony E. Fiorato, president and CEO of Construction Technology Laboratories in Skokie, Ill., has been elected 81st president of the American Concrete Institute. As a member of the American Concrete Institute since 1967, Fiorato has actively contributed to ACI’s technical publications and committee work. He currently serves on ACI Committee […]

NRMCA News: Research agreement will benefit industry

A research cooperation agreement signed in May between the NRMCA and the University of Maryland’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering will lead to the establishment of the Center for Concrete Research. The intent is to use the synergies of the academic community with the established NRMCA research laboratory to […]

NRMCA News: Former chairman honored for invention

Stephen Stepanian, chairman of the NRMCA for 1943-1944, was honored on the American Road & Builders Association’s list of the Top 100 Private Sector Transportation Construction Professionals of the 20th Century. Stepanian, an Armenian immigrant, in 1914 designed the self-discharging, rotating drum mixer unit that revolutionized the concrete industry. “Mr. […]

NATIONAL READYMIXED CONCRETEASSOCIATION NEWS: Redesigned Web site offers many features

The NRMCA has introduced a redesigned Web site — — that features a wide array of resources including News & Features, Conferences & Events, Concrete Industry, Products & Services, and NRMCA Committees. Members can access past industry articles, contact a specific association staff member, check state association news, take […]