Author: Concrete Decor Staff

New officers and directors at ICRI

The International Concrete Repair Institute (ICRI) membership elected Robert Johnson, The Sherwin Williams Company, as its 2004 president. To support Johnson in 2004, the ICRI membership also elected the following officers: President-Elect — Robert Pusheck, C.A., Lindman, Inc. Vice President — Dennis Pinelle, Simpson, Gumpertz and Heger, Inc. Secretary — […]

PCA News: Schulz to direct market research

PCA has named Craig A. Schulz as director, market research, with responsibility for identifying cement and concrete usage, trends, problems, and opportunities. Schulz comes to PCA with a wealth of experience in marketing, research, and economics, including several years with various trade associations. Prior to joining PCA, Schulz founded CS […]

PCA News: Decorative concrete manual updated

The latest publication from the Portland Cement Association, “Finishing Concrete with Color and Texture,” is a basic guide for planning and constructing decorative surfaces on concrete slabs. This second edition includes a completely new chapter on white concrete and significantly enhanced coverage on staining and painting. Guide specifications assist in […]

Concrete Countertops From A to Z

The Concrete Countertop Institute offers comprehensive, engineering-based training for concrete countertops. Jeffrey Girard, licensed professional civil engineer and founder of FormWorks Concrete Countertops, will teach every aspect of making concrete countertops, from templating to installation. The Institute’s mission is to raise the standard for concrete countertops through both in-depth training […]

ADFIL launches USA operation

ADFIL USA Inc. has been launched by UK-based Anglo-Danish Fibre Industries Limited (ADFIL) to meet rising demand from US companies for its patented polypropylene construction fibers. The high-performance fibers are mixed with traditional concrete and used in both above and below ground projects to provide increased durability and fireresistant properties. […]

Design center showcases decorative concrete

Colorado Hardscapes unveiled a completely remodeled Concrete Design Center Showroom in February for the monthly meeting of the Colorado chapter of the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID). Emphasizing floors and countertops, the 4000- square-foot showroom boasts new concrete floors throughout, including sections of reactive stain, concrete overlays, and imprinted […]