Author: Concrete Decor Staff

Learning Opportunities Abound at

You can now visit on-line for the latest information on upcoming events around the country and in your area. Only found on-line with Concrete Decor is the most comprehensive listing of training events with links to the individuals or companies offering these valuable training services. If you’re thinking of […]

Polyurethane 250 from Arizona Polymer Flooring

Arizona Polymer Flooring has developed a unique clear sealer for architectural concrete. Polyurethane 250 is a two component, solvent based aliphatic urethane. It is completely non-yellowing in exterior applications and achieves extraordinary adhesion to a wide variety of surfaces including solvent sealers and polyester urethanes. Elcometer pull test readings of […]

Concrete hand tools have improved handles

Stanley has expanded and redesigned its Goldblatt line of concrete hand tools. The company’s magnesium floats, finishing trowels, edgers, and groovers have been redesigned for improved cleanability and function. New magnesium floats include a bevel-end cast magnesium float, an extruded magnesium float, and a round-end extruded magnesium float. The new […]

Mapei introduces thinset topping and flow test kit

Mapei has introduced Ultratop, a self-leveling, abrasionresistant cementitious topping that can reach compressive strengths of 6,100 psi (42 Mpa). The material is supplied white or gray, and the white material can be integrally colored or topically stained. In addition, Mapei has introduced a Field Flow Test Kit to solve problems […]