For as long as he can remember, Joshua Thiel has had a passion for creating and building while also finding innovative solutions to problems. After going to school for mechanical engineering and spending years fabricating and learning how to work with different materials, it seemed like a natural fit to dive into concrete.
Author: Jacqueline Valle
Nick Dancer Exhibits a Passion for Concrete
As is the story with most contractors, starting a concrete business isn’t always a straight path. For Nick Dancer of Fort Wayne, Indiana, life threw a lot of obstacles in his way but it never squelched his passion.
Vertical Carving Artist Creates Themed Spaces
Being in the construction industry his whole life, Dion Battles made the unsurprising leap to decorative concrete, specifically the vertical carving and theming part of the industry, after the nationwide recession hit the residential building industry hard in 2007.
Concrete Contractor Finds Success In Stamped Concrete
A former computer software developer makes a career change and finds success in stamping concrete.
Seminary Receives Concrete Application Using Pure Texture
In his 40 years of working in the masonry and general construction industry, Dominick Freda has never been involved with a project of the magnitude of the St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary, a traditional Roman Catholic facility situated on 1,100 acres in Dillwyn, Virginia, not far from Charlottesville.
Get to know Joshua Annis of Joshua James Artistry
With a passion for art and a love of sculpting, painting and pottery, Joshua Annis had the opportunity of a lifetime presented to him at a young age and at a time when he had no direction in his life and then along came concrete.
Who are Luca Seminati & Maurizio Pontello, Ideal Work, Italy?
Introducing decorative concrete in Europe was a big challenge to a market that’s more traditionally known for materials such as natural stone, marble, wood and ceramic.
Artisan Jesse Escalera Creates Concrete Masterpieces
For a guy who started from the bottom up, Jesse Escalera has managed to make a name for himself over the years through his backyard masterpieces.
Art Collector Begins Stenciling Concrete Counters and Tables
Fabien Mené, a French native and art collector, never thought he’d find himself working in decorative concrete. It all started after studying art at the Charles de Gaulle University— Lille III. The idea of creating stenciled tables came to him after making bar counters in a class and wondering if he could add a stencil to the bottom of a casing.
How Spirit Stone Merged Concrete and Art
For a man who’s been into concrete as far back as he can remember, the business has changed a lot since he ran Carl Concrete Construction in Greensboro, North Carolina. Now co-owner of Spirit Stone, Bill Carl has moved away from the traditional uses of concrete to its more artistic side.