You can fine-tune your concrete polishing bid by figuring out before the job begins how the concrete is going to grind, what diamonds you will need and how to prepare. Walk on the slab, pour some water on it, scratch at it and put a diamond on it.
Author: Jennifer Faller
There’s More Than One Way to Start a Concrete Polishing Job
The "first cut" is the foundation for the polished concrete floor that you are going to create. But what is a "first cut"? In speaking with a wide range of concrete polishers, I’ve found that there seems to be three ways this question can be answered.
What Do I Tell the Owner About Those Ghost VCT Lines?
So we’re in the early stages of a polishing project after the old VCT (vinyl composition tile) has been removed. We’re progressing with initial grinding diamonds to open the floor, only to have the building owner walk through and complain, “What happened to my floor? What are all those lines? Is my floor ruined?
Why the Formula Approach for Polished Concrete Hurts Our Industry
The weak economy does not have to make our industry buckle under price pressures. We’ve forgotten that polished concrete is already the best bargain in the flooring industry, and what’s more, we’ve allowed the formulaic installation to become entrenched in specifications.