As for Hileman’s original vision of using actual coco logs in construction, remember “termites” and realize it is nice to fool Mother Nature — and human guests — in the name of maintenance.
Author: Liz Schick
Nightclub at Wild Horse Pass Casino Gets Glittery Concrete Ramp
You can bet your boots that it wasn’t easy to overlay the three glittering, aggregate-spiked ramps that lead down from the VIP lounge to the dance floor in the nightclub of the Wild Horse Pass Casino.
A Leather-look Concrete Fireplace
Twelve feet high when stacked and installed, the black panels on either side of the center were poured against fabric. They look somewhat like roughened metal or steel.
Protecting Yourself When Working with Acid Stain
Some materials you handle as a concrete worker can be hazardous to your health, including the concrete itself. Wet concrete can burn your skin, while concrete dust can hurt your lungs.
Acid stain is comparatively pretty safe — but there are still some safety procedures you should consider.
Seven Steps for Success with Ornamental Casting
A How To feature that offers step-by-step instructions for casting statuary and other fine-featured pieces.
Treating and Preventing Concrete Burns
If you work with concrete you already know how abrasive, alkaline and caustic it is.
To put it simply, as portland cement dries, it will absorb water from any source in order to harden. That means it will suck the moisture from your skin as well.