When it comes to bordering walls, pools and other installations, it pays to get edgy. Here are a few fresh options.
Author: Mike Dawson
Salt Lake City Historical Landmark Gets a Facelift By Way of Stained Concrete
After decades’ worth of ramshackle renovations and rehabilitations, the floors at this retail and residential complex were in sorry shape. Giving them one more facelift took some doing.
Teaching Maintenance to Your Customers is Key
From presale to reseal, educating customers in how to maintain their decorative concrete is a lengthy process.
Maintaining Decorative Concrete Garage Floors
A garage floor is one heck of a challenging place for the beautiful artwork and skillful craftsmanship of a decorative concrete application. Hot tires, oil, battery acid, brake fluid and strong coffee make daily assaults on an applicator’s masterpiece.
Tips for Repairing Decorative Concrete
Colors must be matched. Costs must be controlled. There are all sorts of variables to consider when repairing a decorative concrete floor. Luckily, several products aim to help you get things fixed.
When Weather Gets Into the Mix of Decorative Concrete
While Phoenix bartenders made their last pours of the night, Peter Boccaccio of Peter Boccaccio Decorative Concrete Design was getting ready to make his first of the day. A 2 a.m. start is the first step to beating the heat on an acid-stain job in the desert.
Washington Restaurant Gets Decorative Concrete Overhaul
A job that began with a mere 80 square feet of overlay snowballed into a decorative concrete transformation — complete with faux hollow tree — for this restaurant and bar.
Attain More Color Variations with Acrylic Concrete Stains
Acrylic stains for concrete often replace acids — but even more intriguingly, the two can work together.
How to Prep a Surface for a Cementitious Microtoppings
In case you had any doubts… surface prep is everything. The most important thing about a microtopping is what lies underneath.
An Indepth Look at the Use of Air Entrainers in Decorative Concrete
Take the pressure off with air-entraining agents with a pressure release.