Here at Concrete Decor, we’re as attracted to a special sale as anybody. So when Sherwin-Williams put up this online coupon, we thought we’d pass it along. The deal is: Bring in an old brush and the coupon, and get 50 percent off a new brush. The coupon is good […]
Online Exclusives
Registration is OPEN for the 2012 Concrete Decor Show!
Registration is OPEN for the 2012 Concrete Decor Show! Feb. 20-24, San Antonio, Texas. The course directory is here – don’t wait to register, as some classses will sell out quickly.
Concrete Play Day in Seattle: June 24-25, 2011
L.M. Scofield launches 2011 decorative concrete contest
To coincide with its "The Colors of America" marketing campaign, L. M. Scofield Co. has kicked off its 2011 Decorative Concrete Awards Contest with the theme "Show Us Your Colors." This contest is open to anyone who has used or specified Scofield Systems on any restoration or new construction project […]
Cheng Concrete Reveals 2011 Circle of Distinction Design Challenge Winners
Fu-Tung Cheng announced the 2011 winners of Cheng Concrete’s annual Circle of Distinction Design Challenge at the 2011 Concrete Decor Show & Spring Training, in Nashville, Tenn.
American Idol winner Ruben Studdard to perform at Concrete Decor Show
It’s official: R&B crooner and American Idol winner Ruben Studdard is going to perform at the 2011 Concrete Decor Show & Spring Training this March in Nashville. Specifically, Studdard will sing at the Awards Dinner at Rocketown, Thursday, March 17, at 7 p.m. This event will also include recognitions of […]
Technical presentations from the Nashville design charrette
The official blog of the 2011 Concrete Decor Show & Spring Training has posted four introductory presentations that were delivered at the design charrette held Nov. 15. Check them out – you might learn a little something. "Concrete Overlays and Micro-Toppings" was presented by SkimStone. "Decorative Stains and Clear Finishes" came from H&C Concrete […]
New Networking Group for Carvers and Theme Builders Announces Contest
There’s a new networking group called R.A.T. International – the letters stand for rock carvers, artists and theme builders. Thom Hunt, the craftsman who founded the group, just bought a vintage post office in Fairbury, Neb., to act as a home base and training center.
Remake Rocketown: Nashville design charrette is November 15
The one-day event that kicks off the 2011 Concrete Decor Show is just two weeks away.
New management and executive director for Concrete Polishing Association of America
The board of directors of the Concrete Polishing Association of America has announced that Creative Association Management, a subsidiary of the American Concrete Institute, is now providing association management services for CPAA and will direct its future growth. CAM manages the operations of several associations in the concrete industry, including […]