AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE Conventions moved to Kansas City

Because of the devastation in New Orleans, the American Concrete Institute has relocated its fall convention to the Kansas City Marriott and Convention Center in Kansas City, Mo. The dates of the convention remain unchanged: Nov. 6 through Nov. 10, 2005. As a courtesy to those who have already registered, ACI has transferred all registrations from New Orleans to Kansas City. The preregistration cutoff date has been extended until Oct. 7, 2005. To register, visit ACI’s website at or call (248) 848- 3800. For additional convention information, call (248) 848-3795. The Strategic Development Council and American Shotcrete Association meetings will also be held in Kansas City, on Nov. 4 and Nov. 5. The International Concrete Repair Institute Convention will be held at the Kansas City Marriott, Nov. 2 through Nov. 5. The American Concrete Institute extends its sympathies to those affected by Hurricane Katrina.

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