Anthony E. Fiorato, president and CEO of Construction Technology Laboratories in Skokie, Ill., has been elected 81st president of the American Concrete Institute.
As a member of the American Concrete Institute since 1967, Fiorato has actively contributed to ACI’s technical publications and committee work. He currently serves on ACI Committee 318, Standard Building Code, and is former chair of ACI subcommittee 318-A, which has responsibility for the materials and construction sections of the code. He has received numerous awards from ACI, including the Henry C. Turner Medal in 1997, Arthur J. Boase Award in 1999, and Henry L. Kennedy Award in 2002. Additionally, Fiorato actively participates and serves in leadership positions at a number of professional organizations including ASCE, ASTM International, PCI, and PTI. For more information, visit