The American Concrete Pumping Association (ACPA) announces updates to the ACPA Operator Training and Certification Program. Referred to as “Certification 2020,” the new program will launch by mid-year 2020 for ACPA operator certification.
“The new training and certification program focuses on elevating the quality and effectiveness of operator safety training and will raise the bar for safety in our industry,” says Christi Collins, ACPA Executive Director.
Certification 2020 includes expanded emphasis on major hazards and accidents associated with concrete pumps. Because driving accidents are the most common accident involving a concrete pump, the certification training includes a 22-minute driving video. While most driving accidents occur during backing, an increasing number of accidents occur when pumps make right-hand turns. The new certification presentation addresses both of these common driving hazards.
Other features include new graphics and images for an updated look and feel as well as open-ended “talking points” to encourage audience participation. The ACPA designed talking points to also allow a company to highlight its company policies. The estimated time required to complete the presentation will take longer than the previous presentation, due in part to the discussion points.
With Certification 2020, ACPA offers three ways for operators to achieve ACPA safety training and certification.
ACPA Operator Training and Certification Programs
ACPA has contracted with Click Safety to create an online portal, allowing operators and any other interested parties to log in and attend the Operator Safety Presentation course. The program utilizes voice recognition software to ensure the person taking the course remains engaged for the entire program. Training is divided into modules, allowing participants to view the presentation at different times if desired. At the program’s conclusion, Click Safety provides a link to the ACPA’s online testing site, where participants may complete the test for ACPA certification. Click Safety will also be available in Spanish. Stay tuned for details on cost.
ACPA Authorized Training Administrator (ATA)
A company may either designate a person from their company to go through the ACPA Train the Trainer course that teaches the proper way to administer the training and certification, or they may hire an ATA by contacting the ACPA National Office. If using an outside ATA, there are additional fees charged There will be a one-time cost to go through the Train the Trainer program, but it allows a company to train all its operators at once or individually as needed. The Train the Trainer program development is in progress, with an anticipated completion in late spring 2020. Training workshop locations and details will be announced in early- to mid-2020.
ACPA Operator Safety Seminar
The ACPA will announce locations as they become available. You can also contact the ACPA National Office for more info.
“To date, we’ve presented the new safety presentation at several seminars, with very positive feedback,” says Collins. “The ACPA Operator Certification Program is the only certification the industry recognizes for testing concrete pumping practices, and we’re proud of our recent updates, which will help keep operators safer on their job sites.”
Certification 2020 will include a revised certification test that’s a better measure of an operator’s knowledge on safe pumping procedures. Full implementation will occur by the end of 2020.
For more information about the ACPA certification, contact the ACPA National Office either at 614-431-5618 or email For more information about the ACPA, you can also visit