Architectural Enhancements Inc. has added several new products to its line of vertical and horizontal overlayment materials.
Tru Finish is a versatile overlayment product that can be applied on vertical or horizontal surfaces. The stampable, carvable overlay allows workers to stamp early yet holds moisture content for longer workability. Its high levels of multiple portland cements and polymers makes for smooth, defined lines and textures.
A/E Micro microtopping can be applied on vertical or horizontal surfaces. The lighter-weight Tru Top countertop mix has excellent polishing characteristics and can be applied as an overlayment or up to 4 inches thick for solid tops. Luster Low-burnishing Microfinish Microtopping helps create brilliant, smooth finishes when low burnishing is desired and can be applied on vertical or horizontal surfaces.
Mediterranean Texture, a lightweight overlayment used to give an Old-World traditional appearance to vertical surfaces, contains proprietary polymer technologies and a high percentage of recycled materials. Temporal, a traditional faux product that produces a rugged marbled look, also contains a high percentage of recycled materials. Tamarillo is a faux overlayment product containing a spectrum of quartz aggregates. It has a subtle texture with many different variations. Mediterranean Finish offers a quick cure time and outstanding color characteristics.
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