Corporate Knights Magazine has included ARXX Corp. on its 2010 Cleantech Next 10 list, which identifies the top 10 emerging Cleantech companies. The website of Cleantech Group LLC defines Cleantech as follows: “Cleantech is new technology and related business models that offer competitive returns for investors and customers while providing solutions to global challenges.”
ARXX is a leading supplier of insulating concrete forms for green, energy-efficient residential and commercial construction. “We have added almost 500 new distributors across North America this year, growing our business despite the difficult economic climate, and we continue to penetrate new markets and sectors with our energy-efficient and cost-effective building solutions,” said ARXX president and CEO Gael Mourant in a news release.
Corporate Knights Magazine covers “clean capitalism.” The Next 10 companies are selected by an advisory panel of some of Canada’s foremost authorities on Cleantech.