ExakTime offers new smartphone and tablet features

ExakTime’s new PocketClock/GPS software for smartphones and tablets now offers biometrics, equipment tracking and French- language capability.

ExakTime’s FaceFront Biometrics photo verification feature was designed for contractors and other remote crews. Using a smartphone or tablet’s front-facing camera lens, FaceFront Biometrics snaps a photo of employees when they clock in and out, eliminating the risk of one employee clocking in for another.

The new equipment-tracking feature helps contractors maintain a history of where their field equipment has been used and allows them to capture pictures, notes and voice recordings from the field and send to their office. Contractors simply assign a piece of equipment to an employee and work site, and the easy-to-use software tracks equipment for them in real time with accuracy and GPS precision.

Also, PocketClock/GPS software now supports three languages: English, Spanish and French.

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