Four Ameripolish Products Pass ASTM D1308-20 Testing

Ameripolish, a leading architectural concrete products’ provider, today announced that four of its products have successfully passed the ASTM D1308-20 Standard Test Method for Effect of Household Chemicals on Clear and Pigmented Coating Systems: 3D HS, SR2, 3D SP E and B-O-G.

The ASTM D1308-20 test evaluates the durability of clear and pigmented organic finishes when exposed to various household chemicals. The test specifically examines whether these finishes undergo surface changes, such as discoloration, loss of adhesion, swelling, blistering, or changes in gloss when they encounter chemical reagents.

“Having four of our products pass this test is a testament to their exceptional protective qualities,” said Clint Howle, President, Ameripolish. “This achievement confirms their effectiveness in shielding concrete flooring from stains and damage caused by exposure to common chemicals. Passing this test further demonstrates our dedication to providing high-quality solutions that help our customers reach their goals.”

3D HS, SR2, 3D SP E and B-O-G were all tested on a concrete surface using a range of substances, including distilled water (hot), ethyl alcohol, sodium hydroxide, nitric acid, detergent solution, diesel fuel and silicone oil. After exposure to all seven reagents, the results showed no color change or staining, indicating the products successfully passed the test.

For more information about Ameripolish and its products that passed the ASTM D1308-20 test, visit

About Ameripolish

Made in America, Ameripolish is the industry’s leading provider of architectural concrete products for preparing, strengthening, coloring, protecting and maintaining concrete floors. With exclusive focus on the concrete floor industry, Ameripolish has decades of concrete floor experience and technical experts on hand to help customers solve any concrete floor challenge. For more information about Ameripolish, visit

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