Two advanced glue gun systems introduced by Power Adhesives can secure structural and architectural elements in precast concrete forms.
The TEC 3200 is a high-output, 400-watt all-electric applicator that applies adhesive in a bead or dot format to the precast form. An adjustable temperature controller and a higheffi ciency heater housing can apply the adhesive at temperatures of 202 F, 319 F and 355 F. The non-stick PTFE barrel, easy-action trigger and flow adjustment options allow smooth and precise freeflow adhesive application. Melt rates are up to 5 1/2 pounds per hour.
The TEC 6300 is a self-contained 500-watt electric-pneumatic applicator that requires compressed air and electricity to operate. The applicator reaches its maximum operating temperature of 356 F in just 10 minutes starting cold and can deliver up to nine pounds of molten adhesive each hour. ?