Hayward Pool Products unveiled its new Universal ColorLogic LED lighting, color-changing, LED lights that are designed to brilliantly illuminate nearly any existing pool and spa with breath-taking color.
These highly energy-efficient, long-lasting lights are UL listed for installation in most manufacturers’ niches, making them an ideal retrofit for pools limited by old white incandescent lights. “This is a breakthrough,” said Hayward Sr. Product Manager of Controls and Lighting Greg Fournier in a press release. “They’re 100 percent brighter than any color LED pool light available, making them the first color lights that can properly light an existing pool with beautiful color. And the efficiency is amazing, pool owners can upgrade from incandescent lights and save as much as 86 percent on energy costs. They last 10 times longer, eliminating service calls for burned-out lights. There are no bulbs, filaments, color wheels or moving parts. Simply said, pool owners with white incandescent lights can now switch to LEDs.”
Universal ColorLogic lights will transform any outdoor environment with spectacular color. With the flip of a switch, you can set your ambiance. Choose from seven shows ranging from a soothing, intimate retreat to a pulsating nightclub-like experience.
(908) 351-5400