The International Association of Concrete Drillers and Sawers re-elected Concrete Sawing & Drilling Association executive director Patrick O’Brien as president at its annual meeting, held April 2007 in Murnau, Germany. Elected as vice presidents were Peter White of the United Kingdom and Norikazu Shibuya of Japan.
Representatives and guests from Australia, Austria, Belgium, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, Liechtenstein, the Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and the United States were all in attendance. The newest member from Spain was welcomed at this meeting: The Asociación Espaòola de Demolición Técnica Corte y Perforación (AEDT), formed earlier in 2007 with assistance from several IACDS members. IACDS is also helping sawing and drilling contractors in Russia form their own association. Membership in the International Association of Concrete Drillers and Sawers now includes nine associations from Australia, Austria, Germany, Japan, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and the United States.
Other actions at the meeting included delegates finalizing a Basic Parameters for Machines specification. The specification covers power packs, wall/floor saws, wire saws, drill rigs and electric/hydraulic drill motors.