The International Grooving Grinding Association (IGGA), a non-profit trade association recognized as the industry’s lead technical resource in the development and marketing of optimized pavement surfaces and pavement preservation around the world, has announced the winners of their annual awards program.
The annual awards program is presented at the association’s annual meeting held in Phoenix, Arizona on Dec. 3, 2024. The program honors individuals and companies/organizations for lasting contributions made to the grooving, grinding and concrete pavement preservation/restoration industry. IGGA announced four awards last month. They include: The Operator of the Year (Iron Man) Award (presented to three individuals) and the Lester F. Kuzmick Award.
2024 Operator of the Year (Iron Man) Award
The 2024 Operator of the Year (Iron Man) award was presented to Stuart Tschakert, Interstate Improvement, Inc.; Bernd Cerncic, Otto Alte-Teigeler GmbH; and Jerry Lowes, Emery Sapp and Sons. This award recognizes the men and women who work in the field for their leadership. The award gives a special emphasis on dedication to quality and also getting the job done right.
Stuart Tschakert
Stuart Tschakert began his grinding career as an operator with Highway Services/Penhall in 2003. He transitioned to operating a diamond grinder for Interstate Improvement in 2007. In 2010, Tschakert received a promotion to Diamond Grinding Superintendent.
Since his promotion, Tscharkert has supervised, assisted or conducted grinding work on 129 projects in 30 states. Those 129 projects resulted in the successful diamond grinding of just less than 21 million square yards.
“In his 17-plus years at Interstate Improvement, Stu has been the very definition of an Iron Man,” said Interstate Improvement President and CEO Sam Gramling. “He has been one of the rare constants in an otherwise turbulent industry, all while performing excellent and efficient work around the entire country.”
Bernd Cerncic
Bernd Cerncic has worked for Otto Alte-Teigeler GmbH for 25 years and has 20 years of grinding and grooving experience. He worked diligently on the development of grinding technology and machinery to improve the grinding process and elevate the quality of the final product. Cerncic is also an expert in handling diamond tools, cutting joints and deep cuts, and serving as a mentor to new staff. He is considered the “go-to guy” for complicated and sophisticated job site solutions. In addition, his experience in machinery maintenance and repair, and his commitment to improvements to achieve the next generation of machinery, are considered invaluable.
“Bernd is a leader in the grooving, grinding and concrete patch and repair (CPR) industry,” said Tim Alte- Tiegeler of Otto Alte-Teigeler GmbH. “His contributions are innumerable, and his impact on those who have had the pleasure to work with him is significant. Bernd is a great colleague and a truly nice guy.”
Jerry Lowes
Jerry Lowes has worked in the diamond grinding and grooving industry more than 20 years. He began as an operator at Emery Sapp and Sons in Missouri, handling corrective grinding with one machine. Today, he holds the title of Diamond Grinding Operations Manager, overseeing three crews across the country. These crews have completed roughly two million square yards annually over the last three years. Lowe’s passion for both diamond grooving and grinding, along with his ability to work in the field and with clients, has created multiple partnerships. With the ever-changing labor force, he has trained and developed his team to be the best-in-class, delivering safe and quality projects.
The quality of work has not gone unnoticed. Over the last three years, three of his teams’ projects have won awards. Awards include two Gold Awards from the American Concrete Pavement Association (ACPA). It also includes the Arizona Transportation Partnering Excellence Award from the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT).
“Jerry leads by example and purpose,” said Austin Bross, Project Manager for Emery Sapp and Sons. “He does this by putting in whatever time is needed to deliver our projects safely, with the highest quality and on time. Jerry’s drive, dedication and passion for the diamond grooving and grinding industry has been passed down to his crew leaders and team in delivering the best projects possible for DOTs.”
2024 Lester F. Kuzmick Award
The 2024 Lester F. Kuzmick Award, presented to Jeff Arnswald, Diamond Products, is the most esteemed award presented by the IGGA. The award recognizes individuals, companies and organizations for excellence in the grooving, grinding, concrete pavement preservation (CPP) and CPR industry. This award, first presented in 2002, is named in honor of Lester F. Kuzmick. Kuzmick demonstrated both leadership and tireless dedication, helping shape the IGGA and the industry it serves. The award is presented to individuals or groups who exhibit the same level of leadership, dedication and impact as Lester F. Kuzmick.
Jeff Arnswald
Jeff Arnswald started his career in the diamond grinding industry as an operator for Concut. In his first role, Arnswald built homemade equipment and modifications. He subsequently designed and built equipment for Target Industries, where he was integral to the production process.
After working for Target, Arnswald then transitioned to manufacturing blades as a partner with Magnum Diamond and Machinery. He expanded his work with Diamond Products to design and manufacture diamond grinding machines. Arnswald actively participates in several associations, including the IGGA, to promote the industry. He has taught operator classes and served on committees for the IGGA and ACPA. With more than 45 years of experience in the industry, Arnswald has either designed or physically built most of the machines in service today and is recognized as a leading expert in the industry on all types of concrete cutting equipment, including diamond grinders.
“At the core of any successful trade association are the men and women that comprise the membership ranks, who dedicate their time and resources to the growth and stability of the industry that they serve,” said John Roberts, Executive Director, IGGA. “This year’s Lester F Kuzmick award winner exemplifies this commitment to the association by providing countless hours and resources above and beyond the call of duty. I can say with confidence that this industry is in a far better place due to Jeff’s efforts.”
Roberts added, “As is often the case in life, the road to success is paved by good, solid partners committed to achieving the same goals. This year’s group of award winners exemplify the definition of true partners. This is evidenced by the success that this industry has achieved. Both the IGGA and its members offer congratulations to this year’s winners, along with our thanks.”
About the IGGA
The International Grooving & Grinding Association (IGGA) is a non-profit trade association that began in 1972. A group of dedicated industry professionals committed to the development of both the diamond grinding and grooving process for surfaces constructed with Portland cement concrete and asphalt started it. In 1995, the IGGA joined in affiliation with the American Concrete Pavement Association (ACPA). Together, they formed the IGGA/ACPA Concrete Pavement Preservation Partnership (IGGA/ACPA CP3). Today, this partnership serves as both the technical resource and industry leader in the marketing of optimized pavement surfaces, concrete pavement restoration and pavement preservation around the world. The IGGA’s mission is to be the leading resource for both diamond grinding and grooving. It also focuses on PCC preservation and restoration. For further information, visit