Kids clubs get a GoldenLook

With more than 7,000 kids attending eight inner-city Boys & Girls Clubs of America (BGCA) locations in Fort- Worth, Texas, the clubs’ flooring saw a lot of wear and tear. “Given the nonprofits’ stringent budget, it was imperative that we sought out ‘lifetime’ flooring solutions that could sustain high activity challenges that the VCT [vinyl compression tile] and carpet didn’t,” says Sharon Driggers, the vice president and CFO of the BGCA Fort Worth branch. In her search, Driggers was referred to GoldenLook International Inc., which manufactures and distributes customformulated epoxy aggregate resurfacing systems. The company’s system, GoldenLook (GL) Technology, presented a variety of new-generation, proprietary custom formulations to fulfill the BGCA branches’ facility performance needs. The GL system is allergy-free and includes selections of professional-grade epoxy aggregates, sealants, resins and overlays. The epoxy formulations are 100 percent solids, solvent-free and do not emit VOCs that are common in carpet and VCT coatings. The system typically installs in one day, which allowed the BGCA to stay open during its regular hours. After the application, the slip-resistant floors do not require stripping, waxing, buffing or polishing. The products used were: Sunflex, an elastomeric urethane resurfacing system with over 500 percent elongation capabilities. Sunflex is waterproof, resilient, and slip-and-wear resistant. It was used for multi-purpose athletic activity floors and ergonomic flooring areas. Poly G-Flex, a two-component aliphatic polyaspartic polyurea coating. Used for the clear topcoat, the roll-out coating provides a superior wear surface with high chemical resistance, wear/ abrasion resistance and UV resistance. It cures in two to three hours. Epoxy-Stone, an epoxy-aggregate resurfacing system that can be applied directly over existing solid surfaces. Providing a textured look, it can usually be installed in one day and provides a minimum downtime solution to cracked, aging or weathering concrete. Epoxy-Stone is moisture-resistant, 100-percent solid, landfill approved and requires no solvents to install. ? (800) 433-5397 ?

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