Matte-Magic from Brickform, a division of Solomon Colors Inc.

We all know that sealing your work is important to extending the longevity of the project, but what if your client doesn’t like the glossy, wet look that is typical with sealers? Brickform, a division of Solomon Colors Inc., has come up with a solution. Matte-Magic is a liquid additive that reduces the level of gloss in acrylic solvent- based sealers. Up to four 8-ounce units of Matte-Magic can be added for every 5 gallons of sealer to produce a sheen that can range from semigloss to satin, depending on how much you add. “Some people don’t like the high-gloss look. Matte- Magic can get a look that is more natural,” says Art Pinto, product manager for Brickform. “It’s formulated in such a way that you can control the degree of the matte finish.” Mate-Magic is a mix of resin and powdered matting agents. The millions of powder particles reflect light every which way, diffusing it and reducing gloss. The ability to control sheen could means that contractors no longer have to buy multiple sealers with varying gloss levels and distributors no longer have to stock them, Pinto says. Now, adding a small amount to your favorite solvent-based sealer can accomplish the same result. Also, according to Brickform literature, the reduced reflectivity provided by Matte- Magic “helps distinguish floor color.” Pinto says that adding Matte-Magic will not alter the color of the concrete, and no special mixing is required. The additive will not affect viscosity, either. “Most matting agents are powders, but Matte-Magic is already mixed in resin. Just put it in and mix it with a stick,” he says. “It’s ready to go.” à

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