Deliver even more performance in seismic anchoring with the Hilti Adhesive anchoring system HIT-HY 200. The HIT-HY 200 now has ICC-ES approval for grout filled CMU, as well as 20 percent higher published loads on average in cracked concrete
Hilti HIT-HY 200 is suitable for securing anchor rods and rebar in cracked and uncracked concrete; anchoring structural and secondary steel structures; retrofitting, seismic strengthening and bracing of reinforced concrete buildings; as well as making structural splices, straight connections with post-installed rebars and the substation of misplaced or missing rebars.
Using Hilti SafeSet Technology installation methods with the HIT-HY 200 eliminates the need for manual hole cleaning, increasing productivity by up to 60 percent when compared to traditional hole cleaning methods. Hilti’s TE-CD and TE-YD hollow drill bits used in conjunction with Hilti’s VC40/VC20 vacuum system removes dust when drilling, while the revolutionary cone-shaped helix Hilti HIT-Z anchor rod eliminates cleaning altogether. The SafeSet Technology solutions also improve the working environment by reducing airborne silica dust while helping to ensure proper installation every time.
Available in two versions with the same load performance: The HIT-HY 200-R for regular working times, and the HIT-HY 200-A for accelerated working times allows contractors to choose the right adhesive for the application.