Decorative Concrete Press Releases

All the latest decorative concrete press releases. Includes information on new product releases for decorative concrete contractors. Plus, openings and closings, mergers and partnerships. Additionally, press releases include industry trends, new standards, conferences and other news of interest to the decorative concrete industry.

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ACI developing manual for cast-in-place

A working group of the American Concrete Institute’s (ACI) Committee 131 on Building Information Modeling (BIM) is actively developing an Information Delivery Manual (IDM) for cast-in-place concrete. The IDM will capture in written form the interaction that occurs in the design and construction of concrete structures by identifying the parties […]

Strategic Development Council announces new chair, board members

The concrete industry’s Strategic Development Council, a council of the ACI Foundation, has announced its new chair and board members. The new SDC Chair is Mike Schneider, senior vice president and chief people officer at Baker Concrete Construction Inc. Schneider was selected as an ACI Fellow in 2006, received the […]