Decorative Concrete Press Releases

All the latest decorative concrete press releases. Includes information on new product releases for decorative concrete contractors. Plus, openings and closings, mergers and partnerships. Additionally, press releases include industry trends, new standards, conferences and other news of interest to the decorative concrete industry.

Concrete Decor is the industry’s go-to source, so be sure to look here for all the breaking news and trends in the decorative concrete industry.

History of Metal Forms Corp. chronicled in book

A new book written by Tom Miller, president of Metal Forms Corp., details the 100-year history of the family-owned manufacturing company. “Forming the Roadway to Success” features information from many sources, plus hundreds of photos and illustrations. The book also covers Miller’s personal experiences with MFC, along with events relayed […]

Vibco redesigns Web site

Vibco Vibrators has launched a completely redesigned Web site, which features streamlined access to Vibco’s online information, an enhanced user experience with increased functionality, and a modernized site structure. In addition to a new look and enhanced navigation, now features a dynamic online product catalog, an interactive 360-degree virtual […]

Project Vision software from Cemstone Products

Cemstone Products Co. has introduced Project Vision imaging software, a tool that enables contractors to use a computer to show “after” images for any driveway, pool, patio, walkway, parking lot or other decorative concrete project before the project is undertaken. Project Vision allows contractors to apply more than 28,000 Cemstone […]

Admixture aids self-consolidation

Fishstone Concrete Countertop Supply has released Optimum 380 Premium Superplasticizer. Optimum 380 is a modified polycarboxylate high-range water-reducing admixture formulated to deliver extremely high spread rates and “self-placing” properties. Using Optimum 380 delivers higher early strength, improved workability and surface densification with lower dosage rates compared to standard superplasticizers for […]