Decorative Concrete Press Releases

All the latest decorative concrete press releases. Includes information on new product releases for decorative concrete contractors. Plus, openings and closings, mergers and partnerships. Additionally, press releases include industry trends, new standards, conferences and other news of interest to the decorative concrete industry.

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New General Equipment floor-covering remover

General Equipment Co. has introduced the FCS10 Rip- R-Stripper to its line of floor-covering strippers. This electricpowered model provides a compact, lightweight alternative to larger walk-behind units. It accommodates cutting blades up to 10 inches wide and is ideal for applications that include removing carpet, VCT, linoleum and mastics. Featuring […]

Polished concrete gets its own section in MasterFormat

The importance of concrete polishing in construction has been given official recognition with the creation of a new section in the MasterFormat system, published by the Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada. The new section number and name, 03 35 43 – Polished Concrete Finishing, gives design professionals a […]

Technical Institute for Polished Concrete Specification updated

The Technical Institute for Polished Concrete has released the second version of its technical concrete polishing specification. The specification takes into consideration all of the controllable variables when processing concrete to a polished finish. It is written in a format that allows any manufacturer or specifier to easily specify equipment […]

Portland Cement Association Stimulus funds not affecting current cement consumption

Bureaucratic delays in releasing funds coupled with long lags between outlays and construction activity for American Recovery and Reinvestment Act projects will result in very little stimulatory impact on cement consumption in 2009, according to the most recent economic forecast from the Portland Cement Association. PCA expects total cement consumption […]