Decorative Concrete Press Releases

All the latest decorative concrete press releases. Includes information on new product releases for decorative concrete contractors. Plus, openings and closings, mergers and partnerships. Additionally, press releases include industry trends, new standards, conferences and other news of interest to the decorative concrete industry.

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UV lamp from Spectronics Corp. improved

Spectronics Corp. has recently unveiled its improved Spectroline BIB-150P UV lamp — a high-intensity selfballasted unit. It’s ideal for nondestructive testing, quality control, leak detection, UV curing and countless other industrial applications. The hand-held BIB-150P lamp has been improved by replacing the previous metal housing with a superstrong engineering polymer […]

UV light used to finish new concrete coatings

DSM has introduced an innovative solution for concrete floor finishing: UVolve Instant Floor Coatings, which cure immediately via a dose of UV light. UVolve Instant Floor Coatings are applied in a four-step process and cured with a specially designed, UV-light curing machine. Once cured, UVolve floors demonstrate improved hardness, improved […]

Malish introduces diamond abrasive tools

The Malish Corp. has introduced Diamabrush, a unique diamond abrasive floor-preparation system for concrete floor polishing, mastic removal and hardwood prep. The Diamabrush System is comprised of different tools, each designed to be used on standard low-pressure commercial cleaning machines. They include single discs, walk-behind autoscrubbers and ride-on autoscrubbers. For […]