Decorative Concrete Press Releases

All the latest decorative concrete press releases. Includes information on new product releases for decorative concrete contractors. Plus, openings and closings, mergers and partnerships. Additionally, press releases include industry trends, new standards, conferences and other news of interest to the decorative concrete industry.

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More new ACI publications

The American Concrete Institute has announced the availability of four new publications. They are “Guide for the Use of Volumetric-Measuring and Continuous-Mixing Concrete Equipment (304.6R-09),” “Guide for Cementitious Repair Material Data Sheet (364.3R-09),” “Guide for the Use of Polymers in Concrete (548.1R-09)” and “Report on Polymer-Modified Concrete (548.3R-09).” ? (248) […]

Student fellowship and scholarship program opens

The ACI Foundation, a wholly owned, nonprofit subsidiary of the American Concrete Institute, has announced the opening of its student Fellowship and Scholarship program for the 2010-2011 academic year. The ACI Foundation is offering eight fellowships for undergraduate and graduate students and five scholarships for graduate students studying concrete. Funds […]

American Concrete Institute Presentations sought for 2010 convention

The American Concrete Institute is currently seeking presentations for sessions taking place during the ACI Spring 2010 Convention in Chicago on March 21-25, 2010. ACI Committee 118, Use of Computers, seeks presentations for its technical session, “Building Information Modeling in the Concrete Industry.” Participants are invited to submit abstracts on […]

ProSpec additive fights shrinkage and cracking

ProSpec has introduced Expansion Stabilization Technology for its line of Level Set underlayments and wear toppings, providing added protection against shrinkage and cracking. EST is an additive designed to reduce the potential for cracking and shrinkage through controlling precure chemical and physical reactions during underlayments’ plastic stage, when up to […]

New riding trowels and power screed from Allen

Allen Engineering Corp. has developed two new riding trowels, redesigned another, and launched the Power Screed Pro. The MSP 415 riding trowel and HDX 740 hydraulic-powered riding trowel are the two new power trowels. The MSP 415 features a 35-horsepower air-cooled Vanguard gasoline engine, two 46-inch, five-bladed nonoverlapping rotors, and […]