Decorative Concrete Press Releases

All the latest decorative concrete press releases. Includes information on new product releases for decorative concrete contractors. Plus, openings and closings, mergers and partnerships. Additionally, press releases include industry trends, new standards, conferences and other news of interest to the decorative concrete industry.

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New concrete-cutting guidelines stress buried hazards

To encourage safety on the job site, the Association of Equipment Manufacturers has developed Best Practice Guidelines for Addressing Buried Hazards. The guidelines document was prepared by the association’s Masonry and Concrete Saw Manufacturers Institute, which is made up of more than a dozen companies. The SMI buried hazards guidelines […]

Global cooperation pioneer honored

Kathleen Riley (Kitty) Kono, who recently retired as vice president of global cooperation at ASTM International, received the Astin-Polk International Standards Medal from the American National Standards Institute. ANSI honored Kono, who filled the ASTM International global cooperation position since its creation in 2001, for expanding the role of standards […]

American Concrete Institute unveils September slate

The American Concrete Institute released several new publications in September. 503.7-07: Specification for Crack Repair by Epoxy Injection — This specification gives requirements for repairing cracks in concrete with injections of two-component epoxyresin adhesive. ITG-4.3R-07: Report on Structural Design and Detailing for High-Strength Concrete in Moderate to High Seismic Applications […]

Water-retention coating served up in a six-pack

L&M Construction Chemicals now offers E-Con in a highly concentrated (eleven-to-one) quart-size six-pack. E-Con is a concentrated liquid placed on fresh concrete that prevents premature and rapid loss of moisture from the concrete surface, minimizing the negative effects of rapid drying conditions due to high temperature, low humidity, high winds […]