Decorative Concrete Press Releases

All the latest decorative concrete press releases. Includes information on new product releases for decorative concrete contractors. Plus, openings and closings, mergers and partnerships. Additionally, press releases include industry trends, new standards, conferences and other news of interest to the decorative concrete industry.

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Gypsum underlayment is strong choice

The Industrial Products Division of United States Gypsum Co. has introduced Levelrock CSD (Corrugated Steel Deck) Floor Underlayment, designed for use in buildings with light-gauge steel frame construction. The underlayment is the first poured underlayment that can be applied over metal framing systems or corrugated steel decks. It utilizes a […]

Forming in the rain

Sonoco has re-engineered its water-resistant Sonotube concrete form with new RainGuard technology. The new-generation Sonotube forms incorporate a proprietary, high-strength, water-resistant paper that allows contractors to set them in wet weather and pour concrete the next day. The fiber forms boast improved strength, toughness and durability in wet conditions, resulting […]

Self-leveling floor underlayments

USG Corp.’s Tile and Flooring Division has introduced Ultraflow Floor Underlayments, a new family of poured, self-leveling cement underlayments. All four products come presanded. Ultraflow G-1.0 Floor Underlayment is a fast-setting, nonshrinking underlayment designed for use in residential, light commercial and renovation construction. It can be applied over wood and […]

National Ready Mixed Concrete Association RMC issues reports

The RMC Research Foundation today announced the release of two important Prescriptive-to-Performance (P2P) research projects. “Preparation of a Performance-based Specification for Cast-in-Place Concrete” includes a comprehensive review of worldwide performance-based specifications and recommendations for transitioning the industry toward their use. “Experimental Case Study Demonstrating Advantages of Performance Specifications” includes technical […]

National Precast Concrete Association Precast concrete sales reach $18.5 billion in 2004

The precast concrete industry outpaced the growth of the overall construction industry in 2004, according to an Operating Performance Report recently issued by the NPCA. The report indicates that precast plants in the United States and Canada reported sales volume of $18.5 billion for 2004, a 13 percent increase from […]

American Concrete Institute New pubs from ACI

The American Concrete Institute announces the availability of three new publications. 334.3R-05, “Construction of Concrete Shells Using Inflated Forms,” provides information on the construction of structural concrete shells using an inflated form. The publication covers major facets of the construction process, including foundations, inflation, monitoring, and backup systems. The geometric […]

Portland Cement Association Cement demand will stay strong

After record-breaking cement consumption in 2004 and 2005, Portland Cement Association predicts additional increases through 2009. Cement consumption in 2006 is expected to reach more than 130 million metric tons, a 3.7 percent increase from 2005, and average annual increases of 2.5 percent are projected through 2009. An increase in […]