Decorative Concrete Press Releases

All the latest decorative concrete press releases. Includes information on new product releases for decorative concrete contractors. Plus, openings and closings, mergers and partnerships. Additionally, press releases include industry trends, new standards, conferences and other news of interest to the decorative concrete industry.

Concrete Decor is the industry’s go-to source, so be sure to look here for all the breaking news and trends in the decorative concrete industry.

Look into the future

Simulated Artistic Layout Engraving Software (S.A.L.E.S.) is new from Engrave-A-Crete Inc. The Windowsbased software allows decorative concrete engraving contractors to simulate a nearly unlimited variety of colors, patterns, textures and designs within a digital photograph of a proposed concrete engraving project. Decorative concrete contractors can work interactively with customers in […]

Pervious with a purpose

Degussa Admixtures Inc. is using Master Builders technologies to develop contractor-friendly pervious concrete mixtures that improve performance. Ready-mix concrete producers looking to enter the rapidly expanding market for pervious concrete can ask Degussa Admixtures for help with products and mix designs. Pervious concrete is a mix of portland cement, coarse […]

CONCRETE SAWING & DRILLING ASSOCIATION Saw and drill directory features specs

The Concrete Sawing & Drilling Association has published the 2005- 2006 Sawing & Drilling Resource Guide and Membership Directory. This edition of the annual publication includes industry specifications for the first time, including specs for core drilling, flat sawing, wall sawing, wire sawing, hand sawing and chain sawing. Tolerances from […]


The Concrete Sawing & Drilling Association has launched a new Web site at, the association’s existing address. The redesigned site includes several new features. In a Members Only area, CSDA members access valuable safety and training materials. The Specifier’s Corner presents sawing and drilling specifications, standards and tolerances for […]


The Concrete Sawing & Drilling Association will hold its 34th annual convention in Charleston, S.C., between Jan. 28 and Feb. 1, 2006. The event will include workshops on maintenance management and wage and hour compliance, presentations covering a range of topics from economics to safety, roundtable discussions, and the CSDA […]