Decorative Concrete Press Releases

All the latest decorative concrete press releases. Includes information on new product releases for decorative concrete contractors. Plus, openings and closings, mergers and partnerships. Additionally, press releases include industry trends, new standards, conferences and other news of interest to the decorative concrete industry.

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Classic Series combines new and familiar form products

Durand Forms Inc. has unveiled the 94 Smooth panel, the newest aluminum form in its freshly christened Classic Panel Series. The 94 Smooth offers all the characteristics of the company’s standard aluminum form in a lighter product, giving contractors more flexibility in aboveground applications. Durand’s standard aluminum panel is now […]


The Concrete Sawing and Drilling Association elected Susan Hollingsworth the first woman president in the organization’s history. Hollingsworth owns Holes Inc. of Houston, Texas, and has served as vice president and as chairperson of the CSDA Safety Committee. She will continue to represent CSDA on the Silica Task Force, an […]

AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE New publications available

ACI has released several new publications. The 2005 edition of “Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary” (318-05/318R-05) contains the latest code requirements for concrete building design and construction. The cost is $153.50 for nonmembers, $93 for members. “Concrete Structures for Containment of Hazardous Materials” (350.2R-04) presents design and […]

Quikrete,Valspar team up to enter concrete coatings market

Concrete manufacturer Quikrete Cos. and coatings manufacturer Valspar Corp. announced a strategic alliance to produce a complete line of premium concrete coatings. The new line will be manufactured and marketed jointly by Valspar and Quikrete under the brand name Quikrete Professional Concrete Coatings. The line will feature 14 technologically advanced […]