Decorative Concrete Press Releases

All the latest decorative concrete press releases. Includes information on new product releases for decorative concrete contractors. Plus, openings and closings, mergers and partnerships. Additionally, press releases include industry trends, new standards, conferences and other news of interest to the decorative concrete industry.

Concrete Decor is the industry’s go-to source, so be sure to look here for all the breaking news and trends in the decorative concrete industry.

Floor system keeps sound and moisture out

Hacker Industries, Inc., a leading supplier of gypsum concrete floor underlayments, now offers builders and architects the Dry Floor System. The system combines the technology of Hacker Industries’ most innovative product, Firm-Fill 3310, with Quiet Qurl Moisture Control Sound Mat. The extremely low water demand of Firm-Fill 3310 accelerates drying […]

AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CONCRETE CONTRACTORS Position papers offer insight on concrete

ASCC has published three new position papers: “Birdbaths on Concrete Slabs” (#7) explains why birdbaths are an unavoidable result of a flatness tolerance. “Bugholes in Formed Concrete” (#8) deals with acceptance of formed concrete surfaces. “Slab Thickness Tolerances” (#9) cites statistical data from as-built slabs and concludes that tolerances for […]

Mortars Ideal for Concrete Repair

Sto Corp. has introduced Trowel Grade Repair Mortar with integral corrosion inhibitor (CR701CI). The product, an enhanced reformulation of CR701, is designed to provide an integral corrosion inhibitor that has been a requirement by many specifying engineers. Sto Trowel-Grade Mortar is a polymer-modified, cementbased mortar for structurally repairing or overlaying […]

Grease remover leaves concrete clean

Unlike conventional cleaners that pool ineffectively on the surface, Safe n’ Easy Oil/Grease Remover penetrates beneath the porous surfaces of asphalt, concrete and masonry to lift oil and grease particles up and out. New from Dumond Chemicals, the non-toxic, non-abrasive and non-flammable product is biodegradable, and will not harm asphalt, […]

AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE ACI offers new info on concrete repair

The American Concrete Institute is offering valuable “how-to” documents for five commonly used concrete repairs. These documents will be available, free of charge, for a limited time on the American Concrete Institute’s website — The bulletins cover the following topics: Structural Crack Repair by Epoxy Injection Crack Repair by […]

Rhodes and Ralston partner on countertops

Concrete artist Buddy Rhodes and decorative concrete contractor Tom Ralston have begun a new hands-on Concrete Countertop Workshop series to teach interested contractors, craftsmen and artists how to make unique cast-in-place and pre-cast countertops. Also featured will be Buddy Rhodes’ signature “hand-pressed” technique, which he uses to create an extraordinary […]