Decorative Concrete Press Releases

All the latest decorative concrete press releases. Includes information on new product releases for decorative concrete contractors. Plus, openings and closings, mergers and partnerships. Additionally, press releases include industry trends, new standards, conferences and other news of interest to the decorative concrete industry.

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Stormtracker Radar on Keeps Floridians Vigilant During Hurricane Season

The 2021 Atlantic hurricane season begins June 1, 2021, and Floridians need to be ready for another active season. To help residents keep an eye on threatening weather,’s Interactive Stormtracker Radar provides live tracking of hurricanes and tropical storms that could impact their homes. The Interactive Stormtracker Radar is […]

New Licensing Agreement Announced between ICRI and TACM

The International Concrete Repair Institute (ICRI), the only association in the concrete industry devoted solely to repair and restoration, announced a new Licensing Agreement with Technical Applications for Concrete Materials (TACM). This agreement gives rights to the usage of the industry standard trademarked ICRI Concrete Surface Profiles, CSP. Referencing ICRI […]

NIBS Opens Call for Speakers for Building Innovation 2021

The National Institute of Building Sciences is reaching out to thought leaders and industry stakeholders to present during Building Innovation 2021: Virtual Edition. The conference takes place September 27-29, 2021, and it will feature three tracks: Resilience, Technology, and Workplace. “Building Innovation is an opportunity to engage the entire building […]

CP-W .133” Series Step Pin Expands for Versatile Applications After Successful Testing

Originally promoted for fastening applications surrounding steel I-beam construction, the CP-W .133” Step Pin has now been recognized and approved to fasten into a range of concrete types as well. The CP-W.133” pin has been widely adopted amongst contractors who moved away from powder actuated tools. These contracts have since […]

Economic Bridge Coalition

Economic Bridge Coalition Formed to Support Struggling Small Businesses Left Out of Pandemic Aid

Congress has passed almost $4 trillion in emergency spending to help Americans weather the harsh conditions of the pandemic economy, but help has eluded key industries made up mainly of small businesses that have already suffered severe damage. Without fast action, businesses that have hung on through more than a […]

industry forecast

ARA Forecast Shows Equipment Rental Segment Moving from Relief to Recovery

Equipment rental revenue, comprised of the construction/industrial and general tool segments, is expected to explode past its peak totals in 2022 according to the latest ARA forecast released by the American Rental Association (ARA). The updated forecast calls for equipment rental revenue to reach just under $47.7 billion in 2021, […]