Phil King joins Penetron USA as the acount manager for the Pacific Northwest region. This region, they believe, is a burgeoning market for Penetron crystalline technology.
As the Penetron account manager for the Pacific Northwest Region, Phil is the main Penetron contact for project owners/developers. He is also the main contact for engineers, contractors and distributors. With over three decades in the construction business, he has the expertise and experience to help clients develop the best concrete waterproofing and durability-enhancing solutions for their commercial, industrial and municipal projects.
“I started my career in concrete the day after I graduated from high school,” explains Phil King. “With 33 years in the business, you could easily say I have a degree in ‘concrete’!”
“Phil brings extensive experience and concrete know-how to the Penetron North America team,” adds Christopher Chen, Director of the Penetron Group. “With a thorough understanding of the types of concrete, concrete mixtures and crystalline waterproofing technology, he will collaborate with customers on developing effective solutions – based on Penetron’s proven crystalline products.”
Phil will provide key sales and also technical support for customers across Penetron’s Pacific Northwest region. This region includes Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and also Wyoming. Additionally, as part of his customer support responsibilities, he’ll work with both Penetron partners and construction teams to provide expertise for large projects across the region
“Despite the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, the Pacific Northwest continues to be a hotbed for construction,” adds Phil King. “I grew up in this region and feel confident that we can both maintain and expand relationships built up over the years. We’ll continue to show customers how Penetron technology can deliver maximum benefit to help meet their challenges. We will also provide on-site support to add value to their projects.”
About the Pentron Group
The Penetron Group is a leading manufacturer of specialty construction products for concrete waterproofing, concrete repairs and floor preparation systems. The group operates through a global network. They offer support to both the design and construction community through its regional offices, representatives and distribution channels.