PTI Certification Updates by Post-Tensioning Institute

PTI CertificationPTI is now offering the following six nationally recognized PTI Training and Certification programs in a city near you.

Level 1 Unbonded PT Installation*

This 2-day workshop outlines the basic body of knowledge that should be possessed by all personnel involved in the installation and inspection of single strand unbonded post-tensioning (PT) systems for elevated structures.

It also serves as an effective introduction for personnel new to post-tensioning. At the same time, it will provide support and organization for experienced persons.

Level 1 & 2 Unbonded PT Installer & Inspector

This 3-day workshop outlines the body of knowledge that all personnel involved in the installation and inspection of single strand unbonded post-tensioning (PT) systems for elevated structures should possess There are some new in 2019. This workshop now includes a field demonstration. Included in this is the assembly of an elevated slab. There will also be discussion between the installers and inspectors on the key elements to a successful project.

Level 1 & 2 Unbonded PT Repair, Rehabilitation & Strengthening

This workshop enhances the knowledge and capabilities of installers and inspectors and other key personnel involved in the repair, rehabilitation, and strengthening of single strand unbonded post-tensioning (PT) systems for elevated structures. This comprehensive workshop assumes that the individuals in the workshop have current PTI certification for installation and stressing of single strand unbonded tendons for elevated construction, together with field work experience in installation and stressing of unbonded tendons.

Level 1 & 2 Slab-on-Ground Installer & Inspector*

This 2-day workshop is designed specifically for installation and inspection of single strand unbonded post-tensioning (PT) systems for residential and light commercial slabs-on-ground. It outlines the basic body of knowledge that all personnel involved in the installation and stressing of PT in these light foundation systems should possess. There is a portion of this course that includes hands-on training. The course requires the student to demonstrate a proficiency of the necessary skills for working with single strand unbonded post-tensioning systems for slab-on-ground construction.

Level 1 & 2 Multistrand & Grouted PT Specialist

This comprehensive 3-day workshop covers the installation of multistrand and bar PT systems, procedures including safety. It also covers grout materials, testing, and grouting techniques for multistrand applications. Additionally, the course addresses equipment used for the various steps.

Level 1 & 2 Multistrand & Grouted PT Inspector

This workshop is a 1-day workshop designed to certify Multistrand & Grouted PT Inspectors. This workshop will enhance the knowledge and capabilities of individuals involved in the inspection of multistrand and bonded post-tensioning (PT) systems for multistrand applications.

*This PTI Training and Certification program is available in English and Spanish Language option. All instruction for the scheduled workshop is in the selected language option. All participants must be able to read and write in that selected language.

About The Post-Tensioning Institute (PTI)

The Post-Tensioning Institute (PTI) has worldwide recognition as the authority on post-tensioning. PTI dedicates itself to expanding post-tensioning applications through marketing, education, research, teamwork, and code development. They do this all while advancing the quality, safety, efficiency, profitability, and use of post-tensioning systems. For additional information, you can also visit

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