Self-leveling underlayments boast compressive strength

USG’s Tile and Flooring Division has introduced two poured, selfleveling cement underlayments, plus an accompanying floor patch and primersealer, all under the Durock brand name.

Both of the new underlayments utilize a uniquely engineered cement chemistry offering high compressive strengths, outstanding performance and unrivaled versatility. These self-leveling underlayments come pre-sanded in a bag, mix easily at the job site and can be applied in a wide range of commercial, institutional and residential flooring applications. They are available nationally through tile and flooring distributors.

Durock brand Multi-Use self-leveling underlayment is a high-quality, economical floor underlayment designed to smooth wood and concrete floors in wood frame, renovation and lightcommercial construction. Because it sets rapidly, the product facilitates the return of light trade traffic within a few hours. It can be applied easily from 3/4 inch to 3 inches thick over both wood and concrete subfloors. The product achieves compressive strength of 3,500 psi within seven to 10 days.

Durock brand Quick Dry selfleveling underlayment is a cementitious underlayment developed for use in commercial, institutional and rehab construction. With compressive strengths of 5,000 psi to 6,000 psi, it provides a smooth, hard surface at thicknesses ranging from featheredge to 3 inches. The underlayment’s patented technology minimizes downtime. Floor coverings can be installed within 15 hours after the underlayment has been poured. Self-sealing technology eliminates the need to seal the underlayment prior to application of the finished floor adhesive.

Durock brand floor patch is a polymer-modified blend of engineered cements designed to patch a variety of wood, concrete and gypsum-based floor underlayments. Self-drying and fast setting, the material mixes easily with water and can be applied at thicknesses from featheredge to 1/2 inch. Fast drying times permit floor coverings to be applied within 20 minutes of the patching application.

Durock brand primer-sealer was developed to prime and seal porous concrete, precast concrete and wood subfloors prior to applying Durock Multi-Use or Quick Dry underlayment. It also can be used as a sealer on the surface of dry Durock Multi-Use underlayment before the floor-covering adhesive is applied. The primer-sealer reduces the alkalinity of concrete floor surfaces without negatively impacting the floor-covering adhesive, and it enhances bonding between the adhesive and underlayment. The product resists mildew and will not stain finished floors.

(800) 874-4968

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