A Bayer MaterialScience LLC scientist studied the use of two-component, ultra-low-VOC waterborne polyurethane sealers with decorative concrete options to achieve durability and aesthetic targets. Due to the increased demand for higher-durability concrete sealers, this waterborne polyurethane technology is considered to be a replacement for the acrylic stain-guard products currently being used.
The results of the studies are detailed in a technical paper: “Floor Sealer on Steroids — Novel Green Sealer Technology for Decorative Concrete Flooring,” authored by Steven Reinstadtler, a coatings expert with Bayer MaterialScience LLC.
Reinstadtler’s testing revealed that the sealer prevented discoloration of decorative concrete when exposed to a variety of staining or corrosive substances. According to the author, “this novel two-component waterborne polyurethane coating penetrates effectively, without objectionable odor.”
Traditional stain-guard products contain significant quantities of VOCs and solvents. However, increased governmental, regulatory and sustainability pressures have led to a demand for new coatings technologies. The recent development of waterborne polyurethane coatings and sealers addresses many of the desired attributes sought by formulators, contractors and owners such as: chemical and stain resistance, low odor, long-term performance, ease of use and concrete penetration.