Charlotte, N.C., Feb. 5, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — In the construction industry, occupational exposure to crystalline silica is common in several trades due not only to its presence in many handled materials, for example concrete, mortar, and brick, but also to the processes, involving operations such as breaking, grinding or sawing these materials. For those within the industry, Respirable Crystalline Silica (Silica Dust) are a familiar three words that can easily impact either personal or business health.
XactCrete of Charlotte is announcing their new service in its concern for colleagues in the construction business. They wanted to inform/remind business owners that OSHA has rolled out new Silica Dust rules which went into effect this past September 2017. The guide is 101 pages and is overwhelming to say the least. The new rules require construction companies and contractors to comply with a long list of requirements for all personnel working with materials containing silica dust, such as concrete, which is for the majority, a main working tool. A few of these rules require that employees are trained in the hazards, respiratory protection is provided, silica exposure is restricted, medical exams provided, and a 30+ year record keeping plan is put in action. The violations are steep, and the penalty rose to $12,934 per violation on January 2, 2018. If concrete bag products are handled regularly in your business, the safety of your business and its employees has to come first. Given the stringent requirements OSHA imposed, the rules for handling concrete naturally have to change. In order to comply with these rules without all the headaches, added expense, or raising service costs, XactCrete of Charlotte was born.
XactCrete of Charlotte is the new, safe, worry-free way of getting concrete. Using a volumetric mobile mixer, this concrete delivery service is a “concrete factory on wheels”. The truck is environmentally friendly and non-hazardous to people. Additionally, it can save you money over a bag of traditional ready-mix concrete, it also offers delivery tracking similar to Uber’s and also provides control over the PSI, slump and formula of the concrete mixed fresh on-site. All without any worries of Silica Dust exposure.
Founder Fred Falcone says, “The good news is that you no longer need to worry about OSHA compliance, as our concrete will be mixing inside the XactCrete truck. We are now serving only the Charlotte, NC and surrounding areas, but we will be expanding as the need arises. Still, the response has been overwhelmingly positive. I’m not the only one who is concerned about OSHA compliance and saving on costs, and it’s great that XactCrete can serve others around Mecklenburg County.”
For those in the construction and home repair business, the need for concrete cannot be avoided. Handling and mixing bags of concrete are necessary daily tasks. If your business is among those that are confused or worried about complying with the new OSHA rules, minimizing risk and reducing expenses, then XactCrete of Charlotte is absolutely your best solution.
To learn more about XactCrete of Charlotte, visit the website at