Again, here’s the definition of polished concrete: The act of permanently changing a concrete surface, with or without aggregate exposure, to achieve a specified level of finished appearance. So far, we’ve learned about burnished polished concrete (BPC) and hybrid polished concrete (HPC) and that they both have places in the […]
August 2020 – Online Exclusive
Bonded abrasive polished concrete:
It’s Summertime
and Work is Heating Up … Literally
Summer is here and depending on where you reside, some places are hotter than others. I live in the greater Phoenix, Arizona, area where summer temperatures can be very challenging when working with 100% solids epoxy and metallic pigment. Not only do you need to pay attention to the heat, […]
A Comprehensive Guide to the Benefits of Concrete Recycling
Twenty-first century methodology, with its advanced tools and state-of-the-art technology, has successfully constructed today’s looming cities. With skyscrapers growing taller by the day and buildings getting fancier, we’re neglecting the generation of an enormous pile of construction scrap in the form of concrete waste. Here are some benefits of concrete […]
Hybrid Polished Concrete:
Another Type of Polished Concrete
In the last tip, you learned THE definition of polished concrete: The act of permanently changing a concrete surface, with or without aggregate exposure, to achieve a specified level of finished appearance. You also learned that there are three types of polished concrete according to the American Society of Concrete […]
Don’t wait for the new normal:
It’s already here
Needless to say, 2020 is a tough year. The pandemic has a hold on the economy, nonresidential projects are postponed or canceled, and it’s safe to say COVID-19 has changed construction and it doesn’t look like it will go away anytime soon. It’s anyone’s guess if our elected officials will […]
Concrete Captures the Great Outdoors
Back in 2014, Steven Ochs, chairman of the department of art and design at Southern Arkansas University and a decorative concrete artisan when he can squeeze in some time, did some work for a trucking company owner with the last name of Sindle. The work involved creating an original razorback […]
Burnished Polished Concrete:
One of 3 Types of Polished Concrete
First, here’s the definition of polished concrete: The act of permanently changing a concrete surface, with or without aggregate exposure, to achieve a specified level of finished appearance. According to the American Society of Concrete Contractors’ Concrete Polishing Council, there are three types of polished concrete. Each of these has […]
Hard Work is One of My Guilty Pleasures
This is what the yard looked like before the new concrete was placed. Photos courtesy of Bent Mikkelsen. I will have spent the better part of three months this summer helping some friends with a backyard project at their home. When asked to stop by and offer my “concrete” advice […]
5 Expert Tips for Applying Epoxy Coatings in the Heat
There are few bigger buzz kills to an installation than having a mix ready to spread “go off” in the bucket, much less right after pouring it out. Instances such as this are more than possible, if not likely, to happen when applying epoxy coatings in the heat. This phenomenon […]
His and Hers:
Concrete floors feature a mix of whiskey and stained glass
A Louisiana couple’s offices reflect their personalities with custom-made concrete and epoxy floors. Photos courtesy of Dan Lynch As a man who appreciates good whiskey, Dan Lynch thought what better motif for his office than a concrete floor that resembled a whiskey barrel and featured bigger-than-life labels from some of […]