When I entered the concrete countertop industry after 25 years in the architectural precast industry, I had a hard time understanding some of the practices in use. There seemed to be a lot of misinformation surrounding the how and why of mix designs when it came to concrete countertops. Some […]
Counter Culture – Fall 2010
New Planetary Grinders Offer More Choices to Countertop Fabricators
One of the biggest innovations in the concrete countertop grinding and polishing industry has been planetary technology – machines that have multiple grinding heads, allowing fabricators to cover a large radius of material at a time and achieve an extra-flat result.
2010 Concrete Countertop Design Competition Award Winners
Take a look at a few pictures from the winners of the 2010 Concrete Countertop Design Competition.
Choosing the Right Countertop Grinder
Every concrete countertop fabricator is after a smooth, clean finish on his or her work, be it a kitchen island, fireplace mantle or sink basin. Achieving a flat, shiny surface often comes down to the type of grinder that’s used, and with so many machines on the market, many fabricators can feel overwhelmed by the choices.
Fluid (Wet-Cast) Countertop Mixes vs. Stiff Countertop Mixes
Are you new to countertops? Are you confused about what the term "wet-cast" means? Here’s a look at fluid concrete mixes for wet-casting as compared to stiff mixes for hand-packing, which is also known as "the Buddy Rhodes method."
Tips for Doing the Math on Volumetric Batching for Concrete
The concrete industry at large designs mixes using the volumetric method. Fresh concrete is sold by volume, generally by the cubic yard, which is how we will look at it. Divide cubic yard volumes by 27 to get cubic foot volumes.