Michael Day of Day’s Concrete Floors Inc., North Monmouth, Maine, was hired in 2011 to do some serious makeover work at the Sugarloaf Mountain Ski Resort Hotel in Carrabasset Valley, Maine.
Online Exclusives
Engraved Zodiac a Perfect Fit for Asian Restaurant in British Columbia
For those of us who remember how trendy the whole zodiac thing was in the 1970s, it’s fun to see it pop up now and again. Here’s an example, a stained and engraved zodiac pattern on concrete in a Chinese-style restaurant called Temptasian in Vernon, British Columbia.
University Facility Gets High Marks Thanks to Innovative Flooring Solution
Urbanest is student accommodation with a difference, where everything is top of the class; is distinctive, interactive and extremely functional. The renowned student hub was founded in 2008 and has expanded to Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney.
Hand-carved, Powder-colored Concrete Floor in North Carolina
Cheryl and Ralph Burgess, of Mackintosh on the Lake, a development in Burlington, N.C., wanted a design in their sunroom. As you can see, they got a pretty spectacular one.
Concrete Dreamcatcher Takes Place of Honor in Marble Falls, Texas
We met William David Reynolds at the 2014 Concrete Decor Show. He was helping Cory Hanneman from Element 7 Concrete with his entry into the Brawl in the Fall competition. Cory told us to find William David because he was working on some really interesting projects, so we went looking for him.
Embedded Gears with Faux Fluid Make Unique Concrete Countertop
At the center of the kitchen space stands 650 lbs of concrete and steel. This unique element appears to be balancing on three steel posts, creating an openness while still defining the space.
Penny-coated Floor Adds Flash to Georgia Home
When we saw these photos, we asked artisan Jason Thorn what was up with all the pennies. He emailed back, ““Cool client! Let me get creatively stupid.”
Cast-in-place Concrete Countertop that Looks Like Precast
With a specific look in mind, the client approached us to create a singular look out of concrete for his kitchen island and tops, powder room sink, master bath vanities, floor and shower base, as well as vanities in the second bath, laundry and lower level wine bar.
A Concrete Vanity Lit From Within
The project was a powder-room vanity top. It was a follow-up to a feature fireplace we did a few months earlier for the same clients. As we had won their confidence with the fireplace project and they gave me free reign on the design.
The Nashville Dinner Theatre Makeover on TV and Online
Some TV news coverage of the Nashville Dinner Theatre project sponsored by the 2011 Concrete Decor Show The work will be featured at the March 15-18 event.