Mike Moncrieff and his Bellingham, Wash., company, New Edge Design, submitted these photos of a concrete shower to our most recent Concrete Countertop Design Competition. We reluctantly decided shower installs couldn’t compete in a countertop contest. In all other respects, this is top-notch work.
Online Exclusives
Concrete Mural at the Top of the Mountain
Decorative concrete is everywhere these days, even at the tops of mountains. This public art piece was installed by Los Angeles artisan Steve O’Loughlin and Surface Gel Tek president Tamryn Doolan at the top of Double Peak, a popular hiking area in San Marcos, Calif.
Concrete Countertop Design Incorporates Water Flowing Down Stairs
The Saale Residence is a new construction home located in a country setting of Winfield, Missouri. All the rooms of the home reflect a consideration for the environment and use of green principles in the design and selection of products.
L.M. Scofield Announces Decorative Concrete Award Winners
L. M. Scofield Co. has announced the winners of the third annual Decorative Concrete Awards contest. This contest is open to any contractor, architect or designer who uses or specifies Scofield systems.
A River Colored with Water-based Stain Created on Museum Floor
Dan McCormick of Eagle View Custom Creations, Fort Harrison, Mont., submitted these photos of a river he carved through an acid-stained floor using two brands of water-based stain from NewLook International. He put down the river at ExplorationWorks, an interactive science and culture museum in Helena, Mont.
Concrete Play Day Medical Benefit in Seattle Raises Money and Spirits
These are images from the Seattle Concrete Play Day at Modern Concrete Design in Seattle. A regular event hosted around the country by consultant and trainer Tommy T. Cook. This particular play day was a benefit to help cover the medical expenses of concrete master Marco Lucioni, who has cancer.
University Building Transformed
by New Dye System
Westcoat Specialty Coating Systems has sent us some photos and information of a striking dye installation in the classrooms, hallways and main entrance of the United States University building in Chula Vista, Calif.
Oregon Store Sports Glossy Golden O Thanks to Decorative Overlay
Nailing the gold in the O that is the official logo of University of Oregon sports couldn’t have been easy. But here it is, on a dyed and polished cement overlay floor at The Duck Store in the Clackamas Town Center shopping mall, near Portland, Ore.
TV Show Features Concrete that Looks Like Wood
You can’t hate your bathroom when it features a flawless faux wood technique created and marketed by JM Lifestyles (Randolph, N.J.).
Versatile Building Products Names 2011 Photo of the Year Winners
Decorative concrete coating manufacturer Versatile Building Products has announced the winners of its 2011 Photo of the Year contest.