Whether you use self-leveling material as your primary pour or over existing concrete, it’s an efficient way to get going on a job.
Vol. 10 No. 4 – May/June 2010
Former Intel Employee Traded Semiconductors for Concrete Stains and an Airbrush
This former Intel employee traded semiconductors for stains and stencils — and now he’s making his mark at churches, Jimmy Buffet’s Margaritaville Cafes, and everywhere in between.
Lap Lines and Roller Marks When Sealing Concrete
Sealing concrete can be frustrating! Roller marks and their cousins, "lap lines," are just two of those frustrating problems that can plague professional decorative installers.
Which Self-Leveling Products Contractors Prefer and Why
Self-leveling products vary widely in their makeup, so which one you choose may largely depend on what you plan to do with it.
The Importance of Contrast in Sensory Concrete
Evil allows you to appreciate good. The occasional really bad customer makes you appreciate all the more the even more occasional really good customer. Night makes you appreciate the day. Cool makes you appreciate warm.
Incorporating Decorative Concrete into Public Schools
From the playground to the locker room, decorative concrete is inspiring teachers and school administrators across the country.
What Do I Tell the Owner About Those Ghost VCT Lines?
So we’re in the early stages of a polishing project after the old VCT (vinyl composition tile) has been removed. We’re progressing with initial grinding diamonds to open the floor, only to have the building owner walk through and complain, “What happened to my floor? What are all those lines? Is my floor ruined?
Create Stronger Concrete with Consolidation Tools
Most decorative concrete contractors know that consolidating concrete is as essential to a quality finished product as mix ratio or proper finishing and curing. Consolidating forces air out of the concrete and encourages aggregate to rotate and fit together tighter, creating stronger concrete.
Breathtaking Ocean Views from Pale Gray Italian Terrace
The latest creation of Brazilian architect and artistic concrete pioneer Oscar Niemeyer draws you into its grand oval entrance with a cool, understated terrace of pale gray.
Niche Markets Help Keep the Recession in Check
Nothing, and I mean nothing, keeps a person up at night like worry over finding the next job or project. Running a business has become more like a chess game, trying to maneuver yourself into the best position to keep the cash flow moving forward.