A few colors of dye, some common butcher paper and a little creativity are all it takes to get this handsome mottled finish.
Vol. 10 No. 8 – November/December 2010
Medical Facilities Turning to Decorative Concrete
A closer look at decorative concrete making its way into medical facilitys across the U.S. and beyond.
Vibrant Epoxy Floors Match this Restaurant’s ’50s Vibe
The floors at this theme restaurant are alive with eye-popping pinks, blacks and sparkles. But the story about how they were sealed is just as much of a conversation-starter.
Mock-ups of Decorative Concrete Jobs Make Sense
You can fine-tune your concrete polishing bid by figuring out before the job begins how the concrete is going to grind, what diamonds you will need and how to prepare. Walk on the slab, pour some water on it, scratch at it and put a diamond on it.
Utility and Beauty Come Together with Sandscape Texture System by Bomanite
The Sandscape Texture system manufactured and sold by Bomanite is a happy union of utility and beauty. Its usefulness lies in its slip resistance and high durability. Its beauty lies in its consistency and attractive color possibilities.
Concrete Industry Management Students Work to Restore Alcatraz
As undoubtedly the most colorful and memorable element of the U.S. National Park Service, the infamous Alcatraz Island gets more than a million visitors a year, and it shows.The concrete walkways, railings and other structures are weathered and badly in need of stabilization and repair.
Concrete Troubleshooting Stories That Make You Go Hmmm
It’s that time of year again – the time when I review the hundreds of questions and situations I dealt with in 2010 looking for those special few that made me pause and just think, "Really?"
Concrete Professionals Gather to Discuss Decorative Concrete Makeover
Concrete professionals, including architects, interior designers, landscape architects, artisans and students from the Concrete Industry Management (CIM) Program came to a day-long session where they envisioned and designed decorative concrete walls, floors, seating, counters and more for the 33,000-square-foot facility, which occupies a former industrial building.
Learning the Ins and Outs of Polishable Overlays
Thin coatings that can be polished work wonders on new and old floors, but applying them requires knowledge and skill.
Concrete Contractor Finds True Passion in Decorative Concrete
This industry veteran doesn’t much care for the label of "artisan." Just call him a good concrete contractor with an eye for color.