From huge industrial manufacturing plants and nationwide retail stores to restaurants and residences across the country, polished concrete has become a very popular flooring option over the last decade.
Vol. 16 No. 2 – February/March 2016
Slip and Fall Protection and Friction on Concrete Floors
How to define slipperiness and the test methods used to evaluate the slipperiness of sealers and coatings.
ADA Compliant Concrete Stamping Tool
For many people, the federal Americans with Disabilities Act is so last century. P. Michael Fennessy, owner of Stampcrete International Ltd. In Liverpool, New York, isn’t among them, though. He holds two patents on a stampable concrete dome design that lets the blind and visually impaired navigate sidewalks and transit platforms.
Align Floor Coatings with Project Objectives
The diverse array of coating technologies gives specifiers and users plenty of choices. How, then, to proceed?
Centuries-old Trade Association Welcomes Decorative Concrete
Apprenticeships, or a system of training new generations of skilled craftsmen, have a long and rich history in many countries of the world, though it never caught on with much fervor in the United States.
Successful Email Marketing for Concrete Businesses
In the world of email marketing, the “e-blast” can be a highly successful vehicle for connecting with your customers. But all too often, decorative concrete contractors underuse this vital marketing strategy.